
Showing posts from February, 2019

Are your T.E.A.R.s of sadness or joy? The result cycle

If you have to cry, make them tears of happiness. T-thoughts E-emotions A-actions R-results This is an easy acronym to remember that thoughts affect our emotions which in turn affect our actions which lead ultimately to the results in our lives. QUESTION So are your results showing what you want? What can you do about it? ANSWER Change any of the above to change the cycle. Being aware of our thought patterns (inner conversations and images) is a great place to start. We all have numerous influences bombarding us with input and the beauty of that is each person gets to decide which thoughts they would like to keep or discard. NOT so easy for you? Borrow some healthier thoughts and images from others who already have the results that you want! Then say and imagine those affirmations to yourself until you believe them. Still at a loss for the right ones for you? Try this. Catch that negative thought that you find yourself...

Never Say NEVER

This post is more of a personal admission to a self-sabotaging pattern that I have noticed in my life (have any of those?) with hopes that by consciously recognizing a flaw in my programming I can make advances in reaching new ways and understanding. Here goes, whenever I say or think with passion and emotion " I would never. ...." Ironically I frequently find myself in those exact same situations at a later date. Parenting mistakes....check. Relationship mistakes...check. Financial mistakes... not intentionally but check and double check. Judging when I do not have enough information,,,, let's just say the older I get the more I learn to curb this very human tendency. Is it the law of attraction? A higher power leading me to humility? Who knows but I promise myself I am never going to use the words NEVER in a sentence again. (Winky face, irony intentional). I have learned that there is a plan for my life larger than I can imagine, with more to experience than I c...

SUGAR….my confession and my obsession.

SUGAR….my confession and my obsession. Maybe you can help me and then we can help each other. I have a love-hate relationship with refined sugar. It is a curse and a Godsend all in one. How can it be both? I know it is bad for me, I think most of us do. Yet, I keep giving in. Granted I think I have come along way. Last year I went 6 full months without sugar (5 in a row from January to May and then October randomly at the end of the year... random I know, but I skipped Halloween the candy nirvana of the whole year.) I rarely binge eat...yet occasionally ice cream straight from the container is the only therapy that works. I try to stop and it keeps finding a way back into my life so I think I need to write about it. On those occasional times that I think, “I don’t have to be that extreme person who is prudish about her diet. I will just eat sugar once in a while” than….IT GETS ME and It keeps reappearing in my diet over and over. Not extreme just constant: desse...

Understanding the Carb Challenge

Why do Carbs gets such a bad name? Well... because carbohydrates encompass many many products and some of those guys can do bad things for your health. But on their defense, some of those guys also do great things for your body. So how do you know the difference? Think whole, natural sources and you are halfway there as well as If it's WHITE it's WARNING you. I love this guide because it breaks down a path from illness to wellness in the carb world. My rule...listen to your body and stick to the whole foods and than you and carbs can be happy together!

At what age did pretending become wrong? Let's reclaim our crowns!

Audio affirmations for success 101 power thoughts from one of my favorite mentors Louise Hay