Are your T.E.A.R.s of sadness or joy? The result cycle

Thought, emotion, action, result cycleThought, emotion, action, result cycle
If you have to cry, make them tears of happiness.


This is an easy acronym to remember that thoughts affect our emotions which in turn affect our actions which lead ultimately to the results in our lives.
QUESTION So are your results showing what you want? What can you do about it? ANSWER Change any of the above to change the cycle. Being aware of our thought patterns (inner conversations and images) is a great place to start. We all have numerous influences bombarding us with input and the beauty of that is each person gets to decide which thoughts they would like to keep or discard. NOT so easy for you? Borrow some healthier thoughts and images from others who already have the results that you want! Then say and imagine those affirmations to yourself until you believe them. Still at a loss for the right ones for you? Try this. Catch that negative thought that you find yourself thinking and write down the exact opposite with an extra added truth. For example, a thought such as "I am not as good as someone else," may be turned into "I have amazing talent in so many ways, and I am lead by divine guidance to the right priorities for my life." SEE don't you feel different emotions already? Doesn't that thought encourage you to go do something positive? It totally works. Sooo if you have to cry, make them tears of happiness.

NOTE: This is a great tool for lessening anxiety and depression. Check those thoughts, Check those actions. If one area feels too hard to change start with one that you can and the cycle will make movement in a new direction,


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