
Showing posts from January, 2019

Overcoming discouragement- 12 active tips for moving towards an upswing

Image Credits Creator:Ana Ado Information extracted from IPTC Photo Metadata Have you ever felt sad, discouraged, confused, or fearful? WELCOME TO HUMANITY. You must be one of the many who are STILL ALIVE. Yes, these and other feelings that are less than joyful are part of our living experience. Yet, knowing this, I still want these feelings to GO AWAY. So what can we do to learn from them and move on? First understand that these feelings are part of the life journey and accept that they are not a glitch in your makeup but are there to help us learn and grow. Allow them to be. Now that does not excuse hurtful actions to yourself or others. But you can allow the feeling to have a time of reflection and acceptance. Taking an approach of curiosity can lessen the pain. You can ask “What can I learn from this experience?” “Why am I feeling this way?” “Is there something I can do differently?” ect...These feelings also help us cherish the ups of good times, happiness, celebr...

4 Areas of Wellness

 4 Areas of Wellness:  Wellness is more than just living without illness. It incompases a variety of healthy habits that together create a sense of wholeness and awareness. With this awareness individuals can make choices towards a more successful and fulfilling life journey. It is common that if one of  these dimensions is missing or falls short, that imbalance causes pain and discomfort in other areas. My goal is to stay HAPPY, BALANCED, POSITIVE and PURPOSEFUL.   Here is a break down on a few areas of wellness that this site will focus on:  Physical-  Maintaining a sound substantial body through regular exercise, proper nutrition, sleeping well and avoiding harmful habits. Maintaining a consistent well-rounded exercise program is crucial to physical wellness. Mental and Emotional-  Being in touch with your emotional presence and being aware and comfortable with your own thoughts and feelings able to absorb those of othe...

Accepting others for who they many varieties

I listened to a profound podcast today (link below) that was so full of wisdom on accepting others as they are. I would highly recommend it. It could be just the nutrients your relationship needs! Is it possible, that like plants people come with different needs to thrive and meet their potential.  Maybe their care instructions are different than yours to grow to maturity and full beauty. God is the ultimate gardner and he created each of us with different talents, strengths, and needs.  Our job is to learn how to accept and enjoy the variety of each one of these amazing specimens we meet. Please listen to the great message in entirety with the link below. Courtesy of Joel Osteen The Inter-Mountain photo by Bayli Helmick Mary’s Greenhouse on Ward Avenue in Elkin Accept People for Who They Are  (Link to podcast)

Qualification and accomplishments. Seeing what you have done in the past helps you envision your future.

(This was recorded as of 2018 but will I will always be adding to my past and future!

Upgrade your steps to change and goal setting

Monthly goal tracker- GET A STREAK GOING! In light of the new year I wanted to post a recent upgrade I learned in goal setting. Do you follow all of these steps when creating a new goal? I love having accountability partners for my weekly goals and seeing my long term dreams becoming a reality with faster more consistent results. Thank you to all my mentors out there! I would love to hear what your goals are for the new year? Did you accomplish last years? There are 3 blue attachments in this blog as tools to help you track and brainstorm your goals this year! Extended goal strategies-brainstorming sheet AM/PM schedule