Tools for Lasting Relationships
Tools for Lasting Relationships This carousel picture made me think of the ups and downs of every relationship ride. I am always looking for tips and help from successful couples who have a great friendship and lasting marriage. Today, I thought I would list a few tools that have been shared with me and that I am currently practicing to upgrade my marriage and other relationships. 1- Take 100% responsibility for your part in any situation. When confronted with any problem practice this template for creating an environment of humility, love, and respect. You can work this through in your mind or with another person. A- “I am sorry…” (Even if you believe the action is not your fault, you can take responsibility and ask forgiveness for your part in creating the environment in which the problem came to be, or sorry for your response, or sorry for your judgment, etc…) B- “Please forgive me…” (like the above, make sure you can find a sincere part of yo...