
Showing posts from March, 2019


Do you ever feel overwhelmed in the trial you are currently facing? Alone, or don't know where to turn? As lonely as this feels, ironically it is nearly a universal experience. My life has been so blest in countless ways... and yet...the trials I am given seem to be increasing in equal intensity too. I find myself pondering a lot on how to learn and mostly survive beyond the pain. A few things that have stuck out to me that have really helped are: 1- This scriptural equation found in 1st Nephi verse 1. I've read this verse numerous times without giving it much thought. But today it really stuck out to me. Maybe, I 've added too much detail. But I truly feel like there is a reason this verse was placed at the very beginning of this exemplary text. Every reader will be facing challenges in their life. Every reader will need a guide for how to handle these personal circumstances, and there is hope for all of our lives! SO... I did a little sel...

The Best Books

I love a good book. They can provide valuable insights and new perspectives that change my life. Yet with so many to choose from I am always looking for the very best treasures. I added a link below to a few of my favorites with a personal rating and 1 sentence summary. Of course, my reasons for loving them change daily but a common theme of my favorites consist of books that impart knowledge and life lessons whether it be through plots of fiction or reality. I would start with the 10's and not even bother with anything under a 7. Please comment below with your favorites too so that we can discover the very best together. Doctrine and Covenants 88: 118 " And as all have not faith , seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom ; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith. "