Do you ever feel overwhelmed in the trial you are currently facing? Alone, or don't know where to turn? As lonely as this feels, ironically it is nearly a universal experience. My life has been so blest in countless ways... and yet...the trials I am given seem to be increasing in equal intensity too. I find myself pondering a lot on how to learn and mostly survive beyond the pain. A few things that have stuck out to me that have really helped are: 1- This scriptural equation found in 1st Nephi verse 1. I've read this verse numerous times without giving it much thought. But today it really stuck out to me. Maybe, I 've added too much detail. But I truly feel like there is a reason this verse was placed at the very beginning of this exemplary text. Every reader will be facing challenges in their life. Every reader will need a guide for how to handle these personal circumstances, and there is hope for all of our lives! SO... I did a little sel...